San Antonio, Texas
General Contractor: Rubiola Construction
Structural Engineer: M. Scott Williamson, PE
Lighting Designer: Byrdwaters Design
Landscape Architect: Thomas Bradley & Associates
Renderings: Tobin Smith Architect
Nestled in native trees on a bluff overlooking Olmos Basin is O’Neil Ford’s 1951 Sanford Residence. The primary spaces of the home open to a rear lawn and sea of trees beyond. Conceived as a “yard yacht”, the new pool house is anchored to the cliff edge with a projecting balcony, akin to a yacht’s bowsprit, floating above the green sea. The structure’s linear form, efficient spaces and prow-like dining alcove reinforce the concept.
The project draws formal and material inspiration from the original house but pushes to new limits, setting mid-century and twenty-first century architecture in a dynamic relationship while expanding the site experience to the bluff edge and beyond.